New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home in 2022!

New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home in 2022!

Don't forget your home when it comes to New Year's Resolutions! A few small changes will go a long way when it comes to improving your home's appearance and security!

Age in PlaceHardware Matches Made in Heaven

Hardware Matches Made in Heaven

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and we're celebrating with some of our favorite hardware pairs!

Arts & Crafts12 Days of Hardware Holiday Roundup

12 Days of Hardware Holiday Roundup

This holiday season, give yourself the gift of hardware with one (or more!) of our 12 Days of Hardware holiday deals!

DecoratingFour Quick Fixes to Dress up Your Doors

Four Quick Fixes to Dress up Your Doors

Want to update your home's appearance, but don't have a lot of free time? Try these quick fixes to freshen up your front door - and still have time left for something fun!

GiftsFive Reasons to Give Dad Hardware this Father’s Day

Five Reasons to Give Dad Hardware this Father’s Day

Trust us, Dad doesn't want another tie this year. Get creative and surprise him with some hardware (and some help around the house)!

DIYMake the Most of Memorial Day Weekend!

Make the Most of Memorial Day Weekend!

Memorial Day weekend is just around the corner! Use the long weekend to tackle a few outdoor projects.